How To Detox Umbilical Cord you might wonder. After all, isn’t it supposed to be the epitome of purity and protection?
Unfortunately, today’s reality is different. Umbilical cord blood, once considered pristine, now contains over 200 industrial chemicals and pollutants. Some of these chemicals have never undergone safety testing for infants or fetuses, while others are known toxins with severe health consequences.
The silver lining in this unsettling scenario is that you can significantly reduce your unborn child’s exposure to these chemicals. If you’re already expecting, the time to act is NOW, although ideally, this process should commence even before pregnancy.
Understanding the Vulnerability of the Developing Fetus
To comprehend the gravity of the situation, it’s essential to recognize just how vulnerable a developing fetus is to various stressors and chemicals.
Consider this: In the span of 40 weeks, a fetus transforms from two cells into a fully developed baby. Due to its tiny size, rapid organ and system development, and the fact that detoxification and excretion systems for industrial chemicals aren’t fully formed, this phase is when vulnerability to even minimal chemical exposure is most pronounced.
Some chemicals, even at lower levels, can disrupt the intricate and rapid development of a fetus, leading to subtle yet crucial changes that may surface later in childhood, such as learning or behavioral issues, specific cancers, and even neurodegenerative diseases.
The Significance of Cord Blood for Your Baby
The umbilical cord and the blood within it serve as the lifeline connecting mother and baby. This cord carries oxygenated blood and vital nutrients to the baby, and without it, survival is impossible. However, recent revelations show that this lifeline also carries a continuous stream of industrial chemicals, pollutants, and pesticides, crossing the placenta during a crucial period of development.
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Sources of Cord Blood Pollution
Virtually everything to which the mother is exposed has the potential to pollute the umbilical cord: from what she consumes to what she breathes, applies to her skin, uses as cosmetics, and more. In the past, scientists believed the placenta filtered out these chemicals, but recent studies prove that virtually any chemical encountered by the mother finds its way to her developing baby.
The bad news is that cord blood becomes contaminated through the mother’s everyday activities. The good news is that mothers can take measures to reduce their unborn child’s exposure.
Chemicals Detected in Umbilical Cord Blood
Among the most concerning chemicals found in umbilical cord blood that jeopardize our unborn children’s health are:
- PBDE (Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers): A hormone disruptor linked to undescended testicles in baby boys.
- BPA (Bisphenol A): A hormone disruptor associated with abnormal infant development. Sources include hard clear plastics, canned food, and store receipts.
- Organochlorine Pesticides (OCs): Including DDT and chlordane, linked to cancer and reproductive effects. Although largely banned in the U.S., they persist in the environment and food chain.
- Perfluorochemicals (PFCs): Linked to cancer, birth defects, and more. Found in stain and grease-resistant coatings for food wrap, carpets, and furniture.
- PCB (Polychlorinated Biphenyls): Banned in the U.S. in 1976, they persist in the environment, causing cancer and nervous system problems. Previously used in industrial insulators and lubricants.
- Mercury: Harmful to brain development and function, sourced from coal-fired power plants, mercury-containing products, and certain industrial processes.
- Dioxin: Implicated in endocrine-related cancers in women and testosterone level alterations in men. Found in fatty foods.
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Preventing Chemical Exposure for Your Child
The key is to initiate these precautions as early as possible, ideally before pregnancy, to minimize chemical exposure:
- Opt for certified organic foods, especially produce, protein, and dairy.
- Test your home water supply and consider a water filter if necessary.
- Maintain a dust-free home to minimize exposure to flame retardant chemicals and lead from old paint.
- Use natural cleaning products like vinegar and water.
- Reduce the use of beauty products and choose safer cosmetics and everyday beauty items. Consider natural oils like coconut or avocado oil for moisturizing.
- Avoid products with synthetic fragrances or the terms ‘fragrance’ or ‘parfum’ in the ingredients.
- Minimize exposure to gasoline fumes when refueling your car.
- Cook with stainless steel or cast iron instead of nonstick pans.
- Use less plastic in the kitchen; opt for glass or stainless steel containers for reheating and storing food.
- Wash hands regularly with plain soap and water, avoiding synthetic fragrances.
- Choose natural wood over MDF and plywood for nursery furniture to avoid formaldehyde emissions.
By taking these steps, mothers can significantly reduce their exposure to harmful chemicals and safeguard their unborn children’s health.
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